May 10, 2018

$176,000 in donations impact Legion programs

By The American Legion
Spring Meetings
$176,000 in donations impact Legion programs
Past National Commander Jim Koutz presents and OCW check to National Commander Denise H. Rohan and Americanism Chairman Richard Anderson during the National Executive Committee meeting on May 9 at National Headquarters in Indianapolis. (Photo by Clay Lomneth)

American Legion departments donate over $87,800; Sons of The American Legion donate $94,195 during NEC meeting.

Several American Legion Family members presented more than $176,000 in donations during the organization's National Executive Committee meeting May 9 in Indianapolis. The donations will support Legion programs that serve servicemembers, veterans, their family, and children and youth.

Operation Comfort Warriors – $61,907. Of this amount, more than $45,000 came from Kenneth N. Dowden-Wayne Post 64 in Indianapolis, including $2,000 from its Auxiliary unit; and another $6,780 in OCW donations from the Department of Indiana posts and members. In 2017, OCW disbursed over $156,000 in grants that impacted servicemembers, veterans and their family members. Since January, OCW has provided $65,000 in grants.

National Emergency Fund – $27,214. The Department of North Carolina donated $11,900; Department of Mississippi donated $7,900; Department of Georgia donated $100; and SAL Squadron 327 of Norfolk, Va., donated $7,314 from its annual fishing tournament. Since January, the NEF has provided $144,270 in grants to 46 American Legion members and 12 posts within the Departments of California, Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, Puerto Rico and Texas.

Child Welfare Foundation – $82,281. Donation from the SAL.

Endowment Fund – $4,600. Donation from the SAL.

  • Spring Meetings