American Legion departments donate over $87,800; Sons of The American Legion donate $94,195 during NEC meeting.
Several American Legion Family members presented more than $176,000 in donations during the organization's National Executive Committee meeting May 9 in Indianapolis. The donations will support Legion programs that serve servicemembers, veterans, their family, and children and youth.
Operation Comfort Warriors – $61,907. Of this amount, more than $45,000 came from Kenneth N. Dowden-Wayne Post 64 in Indianapolis, including $2,000 from its Auxiliary unit; and another $6,780 in OCW donations from the Department of Indiana posts and members. In 2017, OCW disbursed over $156,000 in grants that impacted servicemembers, veterans and their family members. Since January, OCW has provided $65,000 in grants.
National Emergency Fund – $27,214. The Department of North Carolina donated $11,900; Department of Mississippi donated $7,900; Department of Georgia donated $100; and SAL Squadron 327 of Norfolk, Va., donated $7,314 from its annual fishing tournament. Since January, the NEF has provided $144,270 in grants to 46 American Legion members and 12 posts within the Departments of California, Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, Puerto Rico and Texas.
Child Welfare Foundation – $82,281. Donation from the SAL.
Endowment Fund – $4,600. Donation from the SAL.
- Spring Meetings