The National Executive Committee passed Resolution 1 during Spring Meetings to reiterate correct usage of the organization's emblems.
As The American Legion prepares for its centennial, merchandise is being issued by departments and posts to celebrate. And all emblems and symbols of The American Legion are being used.
The American Legion's National Executive Committee passed Resolution 1 last week during Spring Meetings to clarify the rules and regulations governing use of the name and emblem of The American Legion. This resolution was passed to ensure that everyone is in compliance with all of the owned trademark symbols and emblems relating to The American Legion. For example, these include The American Legion, Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion, Legion Riders, Legion Baseball, Operation Comfort Warriors, National Emergency Fund, etc.
For questions about the use of all emblems with merchandise, or to ensure your merchandise is in compliance with Resolution 1, contact Emblem Sales at (800) 433-3318 or visit here to send an email.
To receive permission to use the emblems, submit a request online at www.legion.org/emblem/request.
Examples of when a post or department may use the emblem after receiving permission include having stationary, posters, flyers or any other merchandise made by an outside vendor. Examples of when a post or department may use the Legion emblem without prior permission is for post self-made stationary; posters or flyers advertising upcoming events; and material provided by National Headquarters.
The resolution states that all merchandise bearing an emblem for "commercial purposes by an entity shall be manufactured in accordance with all trademarked specifications and only upon the prior written approval of the national adjutant or the national adjutant's designated representative." Without approval, it is "a violation of the rules and regulations of the national organization and the Act of Congress of the United States."
Download Resolution 1 here.
- Spring Meetings