It will be held Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 7 p.m. Eastern via Zoom.
Dear TALMA members,
I am thrilled that The American Legion Media Alliance monthly virtual training sessions are going so well. Each time, we have had great information presented by our panelists and thoughtful questions from the audience. As a reminder, replays of previous sessions are available in TALMA’s private Facebook group. (Note: We've had some technical issues with posting the August training session. We will publish it as soon as possible.)
We will continue to keep these sessions interactive and offer perspectives from different experts. In September, the virtual training session will focus on writing and interviewing tips. It will be held Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 7 p.m. Eastern via Zoom. If you have questions you would like to submit beforehand or suggested topics to be addressed, feel free to email them in advance. During the session, participants will be able to type questions into the chat window.
The session will feature panelists Robert Stronach, Media & Communications chairman for the Department of New York and editor of New York Legion, and American Legion Magazine managing editor Matt Grills. Department of Michigan Public Relations Director Mark Sutton will be the host.
In the coming months, we plan to cover other topics such as how to improve your post’s newsletter, creating graphics for your social media platforms, and podcasting.
Thank you for all that you do on behalf of The American Legion Family, our veterans, their families and communities throughout this great nation.