For the fourth time in 2010, Michael Peterson will be in Iraq visiting troops. But before leaving, Peterson sent The American Legion family a special holiday greeting.
Michael Peterson, a country music star and The American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund spokesman, boarded a plane Dec. 21 for his fourth trip to Iraq this year. Peterson will be musically entertaining hundreds of servicemembers over the holidays as the men and women spend this season away from family and friends.
Peterson is one the few artists who travel to Iraq and into the Forward Operating Bases and other remote, dangerous areas where troops see very little entertainment, if any. But before he left for Iraq, Peterson recorded a special holiday greeting for The American Legion family because he is oftentimes reminded during his travels overseas of the ongoing support the Legion family provides.
“One thing that has been consistent (during trips to Iraq), is servicemembers saying to us how grateful they are for the specific outpouring of support they receive from The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion,” Peterson said. “We (Peterson and Jill Chambers) are very proud to be there (Iraq) representing the American Legion family.”
Jill Chambers, a retired U.S. Army Col., is Peterson’s managing partner and has traveled alongside him for every Iraq trip this year.
Visit the Legion’s website next week to hear from Peterson on why he travels to remote areas to visit servicemembers, and about his holidays with the men and women serving our country.
- Troops