September 02, 2011

Code of Support relay set for Sept. 3

By The American Legion
Code of Support relay set for Sept. 3

Event hopes to get 1 million signatures pledging support for the military by Memorial Day.

The Code of Support Foundation's "Patriots & Heroes: Pacific to Potomac Relay" will enlist thousands of Americans across the nation in more than 15 events that recognize individuals for their contributions to servicemembers, veterans and their families. The event is part of the foundation's "Campaign 99" initiative, which represents the "99 percent" of Americans who have no connection to the military but want to support the 1 percent who do.

The Pacific to Potomac Relay will begin Sept. 3 in Oceanside, Calif., with a rally that includes a drop-in by the United States Parachute Association. It concludes, Sept. 11, at the Pentagon building in Arlington, Va.

The Code of Support travels with the relay team in a capsule to each destination. It is signed by civilians along the way who want to show their support for the military, the ultimate goal being 1 million signatures by Memorial Day. Signatures can also be pledged online at

A relay schedule that is being continually updated is available on the Code of Support website. All events are free. The relay's Facebook and Twitter pages will also features course updates and event news.

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