May 09, 2023

VA provides tips on avoiding medical identity theft

By The American Legion
VA provides tips on avoiding medical identity theft
VA provides tips on avoiding medical identity theft

An online toolkit includes assistance in being aware of fraud.

The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the FBI are warning of potential medical identity theft scams.

Medical identity theft occurs when someone steals or uses your personal information to receive medical care or submits fraudulent claims for payment to health insurers without your authorization. Medical identity theft can be committed by anyone, including family members, caregivers, healthcare providers or pharmacy staff, telemarketers and fraudsters.

If you or a family member has experienced any of the following, you may be a victim of medical identity theft:

·       Received VA benefits or healthcare insurance correspondence you did not request or initiate (such as appointment reminders or benefit determination letters).

·       Were sent bills, explanations of benefits, or other paperwork for services not received.

·       Solicited for or received prescription drugs, durable medical equipment, or medical supplies that you did not order or authorize.

·       Discovered incorrect information within your medical records.

·       Denied insurances (life, long-term care or supplemental) due to inaccurate medical history.

·       Contacted about or informed of action to collect on unknown outstanding medical expenses in your name.

·       Noticed missing mail or unauthorized access to your financial records.

Here are some ways to protect yourself from medical identity theft:

·       Secure all your personal and health insurance information. Do not allow others to use your health insurance (an illegal act) and be cautious with whom you share your data.

·       Beware of unsolicited “free” healthcare service offers or promised compensation.

·       Check your explanations of benefits carefully to ensure the accuracy of dates, locations, providers and services billed.

·       Notify VA and your insurers if your identity or that of a covered family member is compromised.

·       Alert your local VA if your VA ID cards are lost or stolen.

·       Monitor your credit reports for new inquiries, opened credit lines or unknown debts.

The VA OIG has a fraud indicator toolkit available online at