National Commander Wong recently reminded the president of Legion’s opposition to fee increase proposal.
In a recent White House meeting with President Barack Obama, American Legion’s National Commander Fang A. Wong reiterated the organization’s strong opposition to proposed increases in TRICARE insurance premiums. TRICARE is the health care program serving active duty servicemembers, military retirees and their families.
The unwavering position of the nation’s largest veterans service organization, as delineated in Resolution 24 adopted by The Amercain Legion’s National Executive Committee last May, was communicated to the president by Commander Wong. The Legion resolution reads, in part:
"That The American Legion shall prevail upon this administration and the Department of Defense (DoD) to reconsider any proposals to implement any increases in military retirees’ Tricare enrollment fees, deductibles, or premiums and… The American Legion resists increases in TRICARE premiums to retirees and adamantly opposes any proposal that will significantly and negatively impact quality of life benefits for honorable military service."
Read the complete resolution on proposed TRICARE fee increases here.
- Veterans Benefits