The new Claims Coach app includes a recoded directory of accredited American Legion service officers nationwide.
The American Legion's free Claims Coach mobile app was launched last November to provide a step-by-step guidance to help veterans and their families connect with a service officer and navigate the VA claims process. After feedback from users, a new version of the app has been launched and is now available. The app can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes store or Google Play.
The new Claims Coach app includes a completely recoded directory of accredited American Legion service officers nationwide. The original service officers' directory was static; the new one links live to the Legion's membership database and is automatically updated each time the Claims Coach app is launched. The Claims Coach's directory is now searchable by state instead of by ZIP code. And search results for each state now includes an "other resources" button, which will link veterans from the app to that state's Department of Veterans Affairs website.
This is an all new app, not an update. Those wishing to download the new app must delete the old version first. However, if you are curently working with a service officer and have a checklist in progress within the original app, you should continue to use that version.
New and updated Claims Coach app media materials are also now available from the "Mobile Applications" web page at www.legion.org/mobileapps. Users can download print-ready files for the users guide, a one-page flyer and business cards. There is also a link to a low-resolution reader version of the users guide.
For those who do not have a smartphone but do have access to a computer, instructions on how to use the app on your desktop PC or Mac are included on the web page.
Hard copies of the Claims Coach Users Guide are also available through American Legion National Headquarters. Request stock #45-005.
- Veterans Benefits