The ride will continue through Virginia all week and ending Saturday, June 5, in Virginia Beach.
Jacob Gadd, assistant director for program management for The American Legion, participated in the 45-mile Ride 2 Recovery Memorial Cycling Challenge from Arlington, Va., to Manassas, Va., on May 31. The ride began at Fort Myer’s Whipple Field with the U.S. Army Presidential Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps providing a send-off. Nearly 200 servicemembers and wounded warriors from Fort Eustis, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Drum and other warrior transition units participated in the ride. Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey and Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead also cycled with servicemembers. A group of American Legion Riders, led by Tom Wahl, escorted the cyclists and provided ride support during the event. A dinner followed at American Legion Post 10.The ride will be moving through Virginia all week and ending Saturday, June 5, in Virginia Beach. Tuesday, June 1: Manassas to FredericksburgWednesday, June 2: Fredericksburg to RichmondThursday, June 3: Richmond to WilliamsburgFriday, June 4: Williamsburg to Virginia Beach At the 2009 Spring Meetings, the National Executive Committee passed Resolution 19, establishing a partnership between The American Legion and Ride to Recovery. The departments of California, Texas, Florida and Virginia support the program through Legion Riders motorcycle escorts and use of American Legion post facilities to sponsor dinners and rest breaks. For more information on the Virginia Memorial Ride, click here: http://www.ride2recovery.com/images/stories/Ride%20Guide.2010.pdf
- Volunteers