This is the story of an army doctor taken prisoner by the Japanese on the Bataan Peninsula and his devoted wife, Josephine, known simply as Jo. Their faith and love never faltered through nearly four years of separation. To order “Praying Hard for You” — Love Letters to a Death Camp, contact: Lone Cone Publishing P. O. Box 104 Ellinwood, KS 67526 620 282-0607 or 620 792-9391 FAX 620 786-1165 The cost of the book is $22.50 + $4.50 shipping and handling.
This is the story of an army doctor taken prisoner by the Japanese on the Bataan Peninsula and his devoted wife, Josephine, known simply as Jo. Their faith and love never faltered through nearly four years of separation.
To order “Praying Hard for You” — Love Letters to a Death Camp, contact:
Lone Cone Publishing
P. O. Box 104
Ellinwood, KS 67526
620 282-0607 or
620 792-9391
FAX 620 786-1165
The cost of the book is $22.50 + $4.50 shipping and handling.
- Your Words