NOT GOING HOME ALONE: A MARINE'S STORY,deals primarily with the author's tour of duty in Vietnam, the months of training leading up to it, and the first 3 months (of a total of 17 consecutive months) after I was severely wounded; i.e., lost entire left leg, including the left hip, c. one half of my right leg, and sustained numerous other painful injuries. Although the narrative focuses on my experiences, in large part NOT GOING HOME ALONE portrays most clearly the courage, fidelity, determination and strength of the men with whom I served during the roughly 18 months covered by my memoir.
NOT GOING HOME ALONE: A MARINE'S STORY,deals primarily with the author's tour of duty in Vietnam, the months of training leading up to it, and the first 3 months (of a total of 17 consecutive months) after I was severely wounded; i.e., lost entire left leg, including the left hip, c. one half of my right leg, and sustained numerous other painful injuries.
Although the narrative focuses on my experiences, in large part NOT GOING HOME ALONE portrays most clearly the courage, fidelity, determination and strength of the men with whom I served during the roughly 18 months covered by my memoir. I cannot say enough complimentary things about the men in the two Platoons I trained and commanded during this period of 1966-67. I have always felt proud and privileged to have served with these men. And so should everyone who reads this book.
NGHA is available in with Ballantine Books. And the narrative is also accessible on e-books. The memoir has been on lists of the History Book Club and the Military Book Club. I have published four books and numerous articles and reviews. And I have a fifth book in progress.
James J. Kirschke, Ph.D., recently retired Professor, and Captain, United States Marine Corps, retired (1968)
- Your Words