RMS Queen Mary

By Submitted by: Cher Garman
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My colleague, Nicole Strickland and I are in the process of researching for a new book we are writing about the RMS Queen Mary. The book's focus will be on the people who have an association to this wonderful ship. We feel there are many fascinating and utterly incredible stories waiting to be told from those who no doubt have a very special connection to the Queen Mary. Whether they were veterans, or war brides and their children, we know the time experienced by all connected to the Queen Mary is special to each and every person.

My colleague, Nicole Strickland and I are in the process of researching for a new book we are writing about the RMS Queen Mary.

The book's focus will be on the people who have an association to this wonderful ship. We feel there are many fascinating and utterly incredible stories waiting to be told from those who no doubt have a very special connection to the Queen Mary.

Whether they were veterans, or war brides and their children, we know the time experienced by all connected to the Queen Mary is special to each and every person.

If you have information you would like to share with us, whether your own personal experiences or that of a family member you would like to acknowledge for their time aboard the Queen Mary, please email us at: rmsqueenmaryresearch@gmail.com

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