There is a saying that nothing is free. It is so true when it comes to freedom. Our nation has been truly blessed by God and He has given us the rights and freedoms to preserve it and maintain it. We must be good stewards of what He has given unto us. Decades ago, the military used to use a phrase that is still very appropriate – peace through strength. If we do not maintain what these men have fought for, it will be lost. We must maintain a strong national defense and preserve the liberties of our nation for our future generations.
There is a saying that nothing is free. It is so true when it comes to freedom. Our nation has been truly blessed by God and He has given us the rights and freedoms to preserve it and maintain it. We must be good stewards of what He has given unto us.
Decades ago, the military used to use a phrase that is still very appropriate – peace through strength. If we do not maintain what these men have fought for, it will be lost. We must maintain a strong national defense and preserve the liberties of our nation for our future generations. There will always be evil in the world and we must be ready to face it. We must be strong enough to face. We must have the guts to face it. When and if war comes to us, we must be ready to fight it to win. We must have men and women with the moral fortitude and courage to face it head on such as those in these stories.
I publicly thank these 54 men for allowing me to tell their stories to the world. During these interviews sometimes chins quivered, sometimes eyes welled up and sometimes exits from the room were appropriate. But the stories were told. They felt equally compelled to let people know what they did and what they saw. People should know what they sacrificed in time, family, friends and memories.
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- Your Words