Turbulent Waters

By Submitted by: Peter Duysings
Your Words

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT Hijacked by Sea-faring Thugs: Peter Duysings Publishing Offers Turbulent Waters Peter Duysings Publishing announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure fiction from California, author Peter Duysings. September 27, 2013. Denver, CO, and California – Peter Duysings Publishing has published Turbulent Waters by Peter Duysings. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the action and adventure fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


Hijacked by Sea-faring Thugs: Peter Duysings Publishing Offers Turbulent Waters

Peter Duysings Publishing announces the latest highly anticipated action and adventure fiction from California, author Peter Duysings.

September 27, 2013. Denver, CO, and California – Peter Duysings Publishing has published Turbulent Waters by Peter Duysings. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the action and adventure fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

An excerpt from Turbulent Waters:

The supply vessel was way too large to experience the powerful violent shudder of the thunderous explosion caused by the RPG rocket that had all those nearby, whether friend or foe, shaking and trembling uncontrollably, while their ear drums reverberated by the shockwave of the blast. As the crew reeled from fright, the dark cloud of smoke cleared to reveal a mass of mangled steel of what just seconds ago was the ship’s bridge – its control center.
As the crew fought the fear their nerves had been beset with, their minds simultaneously tried with difficulty to render some form of clarity of the dire situation that had besieged them. It became every bit as arduous to comprehend that all those who had been within the targeted compartment were worse off than the twisted metal.
People had just died! This was insane! Absolutely surreal to their mind sets. How could this be possible? How could this catastrophic occurrence have befallen them in this modern sea-faring age?
The ship had cruised these waters many times over without a problem. Now suddenly they were beset upon by local armed thugs in small powerboats attempting to hijack not only their vessel, but putting their very lives in jeopardy as well. The crew's minds were still focused on the carnage and disheveled thoughts that lingered, when in a heartbeat, multiple automatic weapons fired in unison and a hail of bullets struck metalwork structures around them. The deadly fusillade forcibly brought their minds back to the fact they were in imminent danger.
It was sink or fight and to these men there was no choice but to go down battling the scourge that threatened their very existence. They quickly sought out the few firearms available on board. However meager the defensive attempt would be, it was their only hope.

Turbulent Waters can be ordered at www.outskirtspress.com/turbulentwaters.

Additionally, Turbulent Waters can be ordered by retailers or wholesalers for the maximum trade discount price set by the author in quantities of ten or more from the Outskirts Press Direct bookstore at www.outskirtspress.com/bookstore.
ISBN: 9780988756519 Format: 5.5 x 8.5 paperback cream
354 pages in length, Turbulent Waters is being aggressively promoted to appropriate markets with a focus on the action and adventure fiction category. With U.S. wholesale distribution through Ingram and Baker & Taylor, and pervasive online availability through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and elsewhere, Turbulent Waters meets consumer demand through both retail and library markets with a suggested retail price of $19.95.

  • Your Words