WARRIOR TURNED WRITER It's pretty amazing what so many give to their countries and communities alike. Teachers, nurses, firefighters, police officers, and of course - our military. So many give so much, yet so many receive so little. It's even more special when you hear about the small percentage in those categories who are the real humble servants that seek no thanks nor recognition. They give, they give, and they give, asking for nothing in return.
It's pretty amazing what so many give to their countries and communities alike. Teachers, nurses, firefighters, police officers, and of course - our military. So many give so much, yet so many receive so little. It's even more special when you hear about the small percentage in those categories who are the real humble servants that seek no thanks nor recognition. They give, they give, and they give, asking for nothing in return.
This man I'm about to introduce you represents that small percentage. Let this message be a "thanks," - a salute to the unsung heroes that we never hear about that do what they do solely to be the best they can be, constantly putting themselves last.
Mr. Walt Johnson, author of the children's book 'The Jolly Shop' spent a decade in our armed forces during Kosovo, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom. Not only is he still a public servant by writing children's books now, but he's still willing to risk his life for others. In 2011 he was honored with the Abe Schneider award for pulling an unconscious driver from a burning vehicle. Witnesses reported that Mr. Johnson pulled that man from the car just mere seconds before it exploded. Mr. Johnson stayed on scene, rendering assistance until paramedics arrived.
It's so refreshing to know there are still people like that out there. So with this, again, I thank the few of you that stand within the ranks of this man.
Mr. Johnson's next mission is presenting the children of St. Judes Children's Hospital with signed copies of his book, should he have the book sales to be able to afford to print enough copies. The public is also welcome to purchase copies to donate for St. Judes children as well.
The Jolly Shop has been called "the next classic." It has a wonderful story line and also teaches a gentle lesson about the gift of giving. The illustrations are also beautifully done, very bright and crisp. It has received some great reviews on Barnes and Noble and Amazon as well. Because it features a mad scientist and saber tooth snow tigers, children and families enjoy it year round.
Below is a news clip of Mr.Johnson and his book with WINK News.
On Barnes and Noble:
As for me, I definitely bought my copies. I figure any man that can give so much to support me, my family and country, definitely deserves my support in return.
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