FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jason Moon Oct. 20, 2016 920-257-6156 Madison, WI – Warrior Songs, a 501(c)(3) charity, will be releasing its first compilation CD in time for Veterans Day on Nov. 5. Entitled “Warrior Songs Vol. 1,” the 14-song CD tells veterans’ true stories of war, struggle and redemption. Jason Moon, a U.S. veteran of the Iraq war and the 2016 Wisconsin Area Music Industry (WAMI) Singer/Songwriter of the Year, spearheaded the project.
Contact: Jason Moon
Oct. 20, 2016
Madison, WI – Warrior Songs, a 501(c)(3) charity, will be releasing its first compilation CD in time for Veterans Day on Nov. 5. Entitled “Warrior Songs Vol. 1,” the 14-song CD tells veterans’ true stories of war, struggle and redemption. Jason Moon, a U.S. veteran of the Iraq war and the 2016 Wisconsin Area Music Industry (WAMI) Singer/Songwriter of the Year, spearheaded the project. Moon’s solo CDs have already helped veterans around the country embrace healing and turn away from suicide. “Warrior Songs Vol. 1” continues this work, transmuting soldiers’ pain into life-affirming art.
“Twenty-two veterans commit suicide every day,” Moon remarks. “I’ve already received letters from 32 veterans telling me that my music saved their lives. With this new album, we’re going to reach even more.”
Album contributors Include: Jason Moon, combat veteran, president of Warrior Songs and the 2016 WAMI Singer/Songwriter of the Year
Jerry Marotta, drummer of the Orleans (1976–77 & 1982), Peter Gabriel's band (1977–86), Hall & Oates (1979–81), the Indigo Girls (1991–99), Stackridge (2011), Sevendys (2010–present) and the Tony Levin Band (1995 to present)
Todd Fahn, combat veteran and five-time Purple Heart recipient
Jesse Frewerd, combat veteran and regional gold medal winner of the 2015 Veterans Administration creative arts festival
The Mambo Surfers, winner of the 2000 Wisconsin Area Music Industry award for Ethnic/World Group of the Year
Sheila Shigley, the 2016 Madison Area Music Award for Rock Song of the Year winner
And many, many more!
What: “Warrior Songs” CD Release Party
When: 8 p.m. to midnight on Nov. 5, 2016
Where: Funk's Pub, 5956 Executive Dr. #101, Fitchburg, Wis., 53719
U.S. veterans will receive the album for free while supplies last. Musically, its songs range from the upbeat country of “Things Will Never Be the Same” by Courtney Reynolds to the ethereal pop of “Why Are We Here” by Todd Fahn. The songs’ lyrics pack a punch. “Brothers,” a raw rock anthem by Kyle Rightley, follows a veteran who was forced to gun down a pair of teenage boys before they blew up a base in Iraq. In all, 42 veterans contributed testimony, 16 songwriters wrote tracks for the album, 46 musicians participated in recording sessions, and sound engineers at eight studios captured the magic.
“Many veterans fear that no one will understand what they’ve been through,” Moon commented. “When they hear this music, they’ll know they’re not alone.”
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