The American Legion Post 167, Albany, Indiana in conjunction with the Albany Lions Club and newly formed Beautification Committee of Albany honored local active duty and veterans. Post 167 was the leading partner for the installation of 80 veterans/active duty recognition banners along State Road 28, which runs through downtown Albany. Banners recognize veterans from WWI through personnel currently serving on active duty. Funding for the banners was provided through a monetary grant from Mutual Federal Saving Bank Charitable Foundation.
The American Legion Post 167, Albany, Indiana in conjunction with the Albany Lions Club and newly formed Beautification Committee of Albany honored local active duty and veterans. Post 167 was the leading partner for the installation of 80 veterans/active duty recognition banners along State Road 28, which runs through downtown Albany. Banners recognize veterans from WWI through personnel currently serving on active duty.
Funding for the banners was provided through a monetary grant from Mutual Federal Saving Bank Charitable Foundation. Post 167 fundraising continues with plans of installing military service flags of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines in the small park, known as "The Albany Depot Park.' The flag park project is on track to be rededicated and consecrated on Veterans Day 2019, with military honors and renaming of the park to "Albany Veterans Depot Park," by proclamation of the Albany Town Council
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