The year is almost half over.
The year is almost half over. So far in 2022 we have:
Sponsored a Red Cross blood drive and collected 25 pints
Sponsored a county meeting for the county registrar to explain changes in the voting laws in Virginia
Sponsored and acted as guardians to veterans on the Honor Flight trip to Washington, D.C.
Sent two male delegates from our local high school to Boys State
Sent two female delegates from our local high school to Girls State
Started a new patriotism scholarship at our local vocational high school
Continued to recognize our local Blue Star Parents
Made financial donations to New Freedom Farms in support of our local veterans
Made "goody bags" for 25 veterans living at the Cave Creek Assisted Living Facility
Provided personal items for veterans living at the VA in Salem, Va.
Sponsored "Tire Rack Street Survival"- a program that trains young drivers how to react in adverse driving conditions
We will continue our efforts to support our local veterans in any way possible.
- Your Words