Urgent Message

By Submitted by: William Rhaods
Your Words
Personal Experiences

26181 Kitt Ansett Dr Sun City, CA 92586-2781 (951) 301-6169 October 31, 2011 Dear Senator A short time ago, I received a message from God. The message is simple: "The United States will soon face great trials and struggles that will threaten our existence. We will come through alright if we adhere to the Golden Rule." I was instructed to give this message to "those who would hear". I've been struggling with who those people could be. I know, you think this is a crank letter from some nut.

26181 Kitt Ansett Dr
Sun City, CA 92586-2781
(951) 301-6169
October 31, 2011

Dear Senator
A short time ago, I received a message from God. The message is simple:
"The United States will soon face great trials and struggles that will threaten our existence. We will come through alright if we adhere to the Golden Rule."
I was instructed to give this message to "those who would hear". I've been struggling with who those people could be. I know, you think this is a crank letter from some nut. I assure you that I'm a responsible citizen, retired from the US Army, having served as a Ranger. This message was greatly disturbing to me and I don't understand why I was chosen to receive it. However, I feel strongly that if I am the messenger, I need to give this message to you.
I'm sending this message to every possible government leader that I can find. For some time, our government leaders have chosen to constantly fight and bicker over how best to lead our country. I'm a registered Independent and vote my conscience for who I feel are the best persons to lead us. I have no hidden agenda. I am greatly concerned that the way we are being governed now is leading to our country's downfall from within. I sincerely believe that the message I received is aimed at our leaders. It's time to put aside petty fighting and greedy politics and look at what is really best for our country. It's time for you, the governing body, to adhere to the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This basic rule is evident in all world religions and needs to be evident in our government and society. Otherwise, I greatly fear the direction in which our country is headed.
If you are a religious person, please pray for guidance. If not, then search within yourself for the right path. It's time for government to look toward the common good for all of us - not special interests or where the money is.

Bill Rhoads
A Messenger

26181 Kitt Ansett Dr
Sun City, CA 92586-2781
(951) 301-6169
September 14, 2016

Dear ................,

Approximately five years ago I sent a letter to many politicians regarding a message I had received from God. The message is simple:

"The United States will soon face great trials and struggles that will threaten our existence. We will come through alright if we adhere to the Golden Rule."

I was instructed to pass this message on to "those who would hear". The message was greatly disturbing to me and I don't understand why I was chosen to receive it. However, I felt that if I am the messenger, I needed to give all our country's leaders the opportunity to hear it. In November 2011, I sent this message to every U.S. government official that I could locate, with little response. I am resending the message in hopes that you and others "will hear" it and pass it on.
I believe the message is about our growing polarization in our politics and society. It's time to put aside petty fighting and greed and look at what is really best for our country. It's time for you, as part of our governing body, to adhere to the Golden Rule, as Pope Francis counseled you to do in his message to Congress in Sept. 2015. This basic rule is evident in all world religions and man's ethics and needs to be evident in our government and society.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

If our Founding Fathers had been as divided as our current politicians, and unable to agree, I don't believe we would have a country. Let us not forget this universal truth. Christ said "a house divided against itself cannot stand" (The Bible: Mark 3:25). Abraham Lincoln used this in a speech concerning slavery in 1858. I ask you to think about who benefits from our division. I believe it's our enemies - those who would tear down our country and our way of life.
If you are religious, please pray for guidance. If not, search man's ethics and within yourself for the right path. Government should look toward the common good for all of us - not special interests or money and power. Please come together and serve the citizens of our country in accordance with the Golden Rule.


William A. Rhoads
A Messenger

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