A Solder's Dream

By Submitted by: Larry McMillan
Your Words

I dreamed a dream last night While in this foxhole last night I was watching flashes of light. Then visions of you I dreamed last night To ease the pain of the fight, To take away the fears of the night, In hopes that at first light I did not die in the night. I fear that the night Will become reality in the light, So each night I keep you in sight By dreaming a dream, of you each night.

I dreamed a dream last night
While in this foxhole last night
I was watching flashes of light.
Then visions of you I dreamed last night
To ease the pain of the fight,
To take away the fears of the night,
In hopes that at first light
I did not die in the night.
I fear that the night
Will become reality in the light,
So each night
I keep you in sight
By dreaming a dream, of you each night.

If you would like a free copy email. Be sure to list the title so I will know what your interested in. Just put USAA to let me know where you read the poem even if you read it on my site. It is free to all American Legion members.

  • Your Words