Morning Glory

By Submitted by: Robert Rotruck
Your Words

This morning you looked a little blue, It seemed your color had lost its hue. Your red looked like fresh blood just shed, From a wounded soldier now dead. Your white was stained from many tears, But because of you we have no fears. For you are the red, white, and blue, We will give up our lives to protect you. For you old glory, brave souls have stood proud, No leftist, terrorist, or freedom hater allowed. For brave men and women do stand very tall, They will defend the American way until they fall. They will defend lady liberty to the bitter end, To let old glory fly, no negotiat

This morning you looked a little blue,
It seemed your color had lost its hue.
Your red looked like fresh blood just shed,
From a wounded soldier now dead.
Your white was stained from many tears,
But because of you we have no fears.
For you are the red, white, and blue,
We will give up our lives to protect you.
For you old glory, brave souls have stood proud,
No leftist, terrorist, or freedom hater allowed.
For brave men and women do stand very tall,
They will defend the American way until they fall.
They will defend lady liberty to the bitter end,
To let old glory fly, no negotiation or bend.
For this is the land of the free,
A home made safe for you and me.
A place to say just what we think,
We can say the politicians do stink.
To go to a church of our own choice,
To be able to express our view with our voice.
A land of public news and a free press,
To tell the readers about a big mess.
Some would tarnish our flag so glorious,
But there it will stand, still victorious.
Because what you can’t see in the flag,
Is the American spirit, that is no brag.
God bless our American troops who defend,
And Lord bring them home at wars end.
I’m proud of our American heritage story,
And our flag makes each morning a day of glory!

  • Your Words