The heaviest load I carry can not be weighed. It's measured in the eyes of the dying; the prices they paid. "Why is he so distant, why does his temper flare?" "Will no one ever breech his thousand yard stare?" How can I tell you the atrocities I've seen? Only my brothers in arms will know what I mean. We were drug through Hell and did our time. Only to return and be accused of a crime. The war is over so why won't it end? I wish it had been me instead of my friends. I'm held captive by my dreams and an ongoing fight. Not even my sleep offers me respite.
The heaviest load I carry can not be weighed.
It's measured in the eyes of the dying; the prices they paid.
"Why is he so distant, why does his temper flare?"
"Will no one ever breech his thousand yard stare?"
How can I tell you the atrocities I've seen?
Only my brothers in arms will know what I mean.
We were drug through Hell and did our time.
Only to return and be accused of a crime.
The war is over so why won't it end?
I wish it had been me instead of my friends.
I'm held captive by my dreams and an ongoing fight.
Not even my sleep offers me respite.
So where do I go from here? I can take it no longer.
You think people will ask, "Why wasn't he stronger?"
Who cares? No one did then, why would they now?
It was just another crazy vet. They won't even raise a brow.
So this is where I leave you; proud but without glory.
But we fought for each other, that will be our story.
Rey Fuglestad
Proud Son of a Vietnam Veteran and My Hero
- Your Words