What a Veteran Deserves

By Submitted by: Devin Wiggins
Your Words

I really enjoy being a member of and organization that really wants to promote good auttituide toward their fellow Veterans. I feel that as a Citizen, it is my duty to provide as much as I can to help a Veteran live his/ her life as joyful as possible. They gave a lot including their lives, why not have a heart and help them live a better life? I am that person who will do my best, because I will soon serve my wonderful Country and protect her with my life. I would want the same. Show that you as a Proud US Citizen care. Let's make a Veteran Happy! God Bless The US!

I really enjoy being a member of and organization that really wants to promote good auttituide toward their fellow Veterans. I feel that as a Citizen, it is my duty to provide as much as I can to help a Veteran live his/ her life as joyful as possible. They gave a lot including their lives, why not have a heart and help them live a better life? I am that person who will do my best, because I will soon serve my wonderful Country and protect her with my life. I would want the same. Show that you as a Proud US Citizen care. Let's make a Veteran Happy! God Bless The US!

  • Your Words