Legion passes resolution to formalize relationship.
The American Legion, through resolution, has adopted the Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) as an official program. The resolution authorizes the Legion to work directly with COTA to promote the mutual aims and purposes of ensuring that children receive life-saving transplants.
Since 1989, the Legion has provided over $250,000 in grants to COTA, which calls its nationwide volunteer team Miracle Makers because of the hope they give to children and young adults who desperately need a second chance at life. COTA’s Miracle Makers program enhances its effectiveness by identifying volunteers across the country, including Legionnaires, who will work on behalf of COTA and its client families.
COTA is a national charity that provides fundraising assistance for children who need life-saving transplants. Its priority is to assure that no child or young adult is denied a transplant, or excluded from a transplant waiting list, because of financial need. All funds raised in honor of patients are used by COTA for transplant-related expenses. For more information, visit COTA’s Web site or call (800) 366-2682.
- Youth