November 01, 2011

Legion youth alumni site

By The American Legion
Legion youth alumni site
Legion youth alumni site

The new American Legion Youth Programs Alumni Association enables current and former program participants to communicate.

For many years, The American Legion's Americanism and Children & Youth programs have offered, and continue to offer, young adults an opportunity to receive further education, enhance leadership and speaking skills, develop good sportsmanship, build strong character, and become active citizens in their community. Because of the talents and excellent citizenship qualities that are fostered in these programs, The American Legion just launched its first-ever Youth Programs Alumni Association.

The alumni association's mission is to allow current and former Legion youth program participants to foster relationships and to stay connected, informed and active in the programs. These programs include Legion Baseball, Junior Shooting Sports, Oratorical contest, Boy Scouts, Boys State, Boys Nation and scholarships.

Through the Youth Program Alumni Association, members will have the opportunity to submit questions to Legion program experts, share memories, discuss their program participation, look for lost friends and even discover ways to volunteer their time and skills. Members will also have the opportunity to donate to their program of choice either at the department or national level, as well as receive an e-newsletter featuring former youth success stories, updates on all Legion programs and much more.

"I've always been a strong advocate for The American Legion establishing an alumni association, especially for those participants in the numerous Americanism programs that touch so many lives," said Joe Caouette, the Legion's Americanism and Children & Youth chairman. "There's a great pool of talent, and I know there are many stories out there with former Legion program participants that need to be shared."

  • Youth