March 25, 2013

Participate in Children & Youth Month

By The American Legion
Participate in Children & Youth Month
Participate in Children & Youth Month

The Legion’s ‘April is Children & Youth Month’ brochure outlines ways Legion family members can support youth in their community.

The American Legion is committed to meeting the physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual needs of our nation’s children and youth, and does so through programs such as Children & Youth Month. During the month of April, Legion family members are encouraged to partake in and support youth activities within their community to show that The American Legion is committed to its national theme, "Children... Our Most Precious Natural Resource."

For ideas on how to promote and support Children & Youth Month in your community, download a copy of the "April is Children & Youth Month" brochure.

The following numbers, gathered from the 2011-2012 Consolidated Post Report, shows how Legion members and posts influenced the lives of children and youth in their community and beyond:

  • 14,297: Number of American Legion Children & Youth program activities conducted by posts
  • $156,012: Amount raised by Legion posts to help children’s hospitals
  • $1,993,951: Dollar amount of cash aid provided by posts for Children & Youth activities
  • $376,495: Amount posts provided for the Family Support Network
  • $301,478: Amount posts provided through the Temporary Financial Assistance program

For an entire list of American Legion Children & Youth publications available for download, click here.



  • Youth