Resolution No. 163 passed 60 years ago calls for Legion Family members to uphold a 100 percent Americanism.
The American Legion has recognized the month of February as Americanism Month since 1960 when Resolution No. 163 was passed during the National Convention in Miami Beach, Fla.
“We established observance of an Americanism Month that calls upon each of us to pause and reflect on what it means to be an American, and to rededicate ourselves to taking action that will uphold a 100 percent Americanism,” said Richard Anderson, chairman of The American Legion's Americanism Commission. “In 1981, then-National Commander Michael Kogutek said, ‘There is no organization whose name is more closely linked in the minds of citizens with genuine Americanism than is The American Legion."
The Preamble to The American Legion Constitution states, “To foster and perpetuate a 100 percent Americanism.” Therefore, Anderson encourages the Legion Family "to reflect on what it means to be an American and our responsibility for fostering Americanism. Americanism should cultivate youth development, educational development, citizenship, community service, religious emphasis, and pride in our nation and the great symbol of our nation, Old Glory.”
A few of the many American Legion programs that fall under the Americanism pillar include Legion Baseball, Oratorical Contest, Boys State and Nation, Junior Shooting Sports, Scouting and flag education.
“Through our community involvement we can foster a culture of growth for serving our nation’s veterans and their families, for nurturing children and youth everywhere, for our organization and its programs, and for Americanism,” Anderson said.
Please share on www.legiontown.org how your post, unit or squadron promotes or supports Americanism Month.
- Youth Programs