The conference for Legion Baseball, Oratorical, Shooting Sports, Boys State, Children & Youth and department chaplains is Sept. 26.
The annual American Legion Combined Americanism Conference is being held virtually for 2020 due to the ongoing pandemic.
On Saturday, Sept. 26, virtual breakout sessions will get underway for American Legion Baseball, Boys State, Oratorical, Shooting Sports, Children & Youth and department chaplains. To view program agendas, please visit legion.org/cacregistration.
Pre-registration is not necessary but is highly encouraged. To register, visit mvp.markeys.onl/ALCAC.
Prior to breakout sessions, a joint conference session is at 11 a.m. Eastern with featured speaker Chris Phillips, vice president of NFP Property & Casualty Services Inc. He is speaking on "The Importance of Insurance Protection."
- Youth Programs