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Marine veteran Andrew Tahmooressi has been held in jail now for months. Do you think he will be released shortly?

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Why are we the American Legion allowing this abduction of an American Citizen to go on while hundreds of illegal invaders are crossing our southern border daily??

Submitted by Joe Sheridan (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 3:35pm

I believe if this Marine is not released within this next month, President Obama should advise Mexico's President that it will come with great consequences. Namely, We will order all visiting American citizens to come home immediately. Then he should tell him that the entire boarder will be firmly guarded by U. S. Military troops to not allow "anyone" from the United States to visit, vacation in all of Mexico until their President complies with our order. Of course this means no one from Mexico will be able to return to Mexico or come across our boarders. This should also not allow non-American Mexicans who are working in the U. S. with a visa in the U. S. to use the U. S. Mail System to send money home to Mexico. Let it be known this is not a request anymore but a demand. If this Marine is not released within 30 days of our demand, we will shut down our border same as we have done to Cuba until our demand is met. Mexico cannot survive without U. S. Citizens spending money in their resort Cities. I know of no other Nation across the globe who wants to cross the Atlantic or Pacific oceans to visit this third world country. We Americans vacation there most often during the cold winter months coming up in North America. We would ask our Canadian neighbors to respect our interest as well by not allowing their citizens to visit Mexico. Canada usually stands by all request from the United States. Like the old saying goes, if you want to get their attention (hit them in their pocketbook!) Being a poor third world Country Mexico, surviving so desperately on American tourism, could not go long without U. S. and Canadian visitors by plane or cruise ships. We are the United States and we do not need to beg for what we and Mexico know is the right thing to do and we need to demonstrate our firm resolve on this issue.

Submitted by John Storms Bsp (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 6:24pm

I agree with John Storms Bsp 100% with only one thing different we as a nation should have done this 6 months ago but our government has no stomach for any conflict.

Submitted by N Lee Cox (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 10:56pm

I believe this Administration is so anti-second amendment that they choose to do nothing and really don't care if he rots down there. The Secretary of State should be actively trying to get him home!!!!but choses not to.

Submitted by R.D. Blankenfeld (not verified) : Oct 3, 2014 11:32am

He should have been released six months ago. Unfortunately our commander-in-chief cares more about deserters than service people who serve proudly.

Submitted by Mike Lukosavich (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 3:41pm

He should have been released six months ago. Unfortunately our commander-in-chief cares more about deserters than service people who serve proudly.

Submitted by Mike Lukosavich (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 3:41pm

He should have been released six months ago. Unfortunately our commander-in-chief cares more about deserters than service people who serve proudly.

Submitted by Mike Lukosavich (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 3:41pm

He damn well better be, this crap has gone on long enough, so it's time they send him home to continue the treatment that he needs. No thanks to POTUS and his administration.

Submitted by Archie Daniel (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 3:43pm

This poor excuse for a Commander and Chief cares more about letting illegals into our country to placate Mexico and to make sure that after a general amnisty he'll have a bunch of new leftest voters! Not to mention Muslim terrorists in amongst us.

Submitted by Michael L Swallow (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 4:06pm

We should make a trade.
Send him back and they can have Holder and Obama.

Submitted by Rick from Maine (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 4:10pm

Atta boy Rick, I like how you think !!

Submitted by Si Vermilyea (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 6:24pm

They would fit right in with the corrupt Mexican government. Maybe the world would get lucky and they both woulds off each other.

Submitted by jimmythegeek (not verified) : Oct 3, 2014 5:20am

It just appears to me that nobody in our government, including the one
we call "Commander-in-Chief" cares. How sad that our government does not care about us after all we did, and are doing, for it.

Submitted by Dave -- USAF Ret. (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 4:23pm

I wish our government cared about this man as much as they cared about a deserter. Its insane our government has not taken care of this marine.

Submitted by Paul M. (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 4:42pm

With a muslim president Like ours Mr. Tamooressi is screwed. mr. obama looks out only for himself. Still havent seen a birth certificate. Have you ?

Submitted by Don R. (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 4:46pm

We should have armed up and sent a few loads of Marines down there and rescued him as soon as we saw the Mexican gov. start dragging its feet. Rescue him and any other Americans being held by them and light the Mexicans up if they try to fight back. What are they going to do about it?

Submitted by BBinOKC (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 4:49pm

I'm not surprised, but appalled, that our useless, incompetent "commander-in-chief" has not weighed in and confronted the Mexican government to release this American hero. I am thoroughly disgusted with our so-called "leadership".

Submitted by John-USAF '62-'66 (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 4:57pm

Doesn't this tell you how much our government is respected. Even the government of Mexico isn't afraid of it. One peep from our leader would normally get action. But our leader doesn't know how to peep.

Submitted by JIMJ-USAF 59-83 (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 5:12pm

He may not be able to peep but he sure does suck!

Submitted by G mcghee (not verified) : Oct 3, 2014 1:30am

If the Post Commanders (both USN & USMC)of all Military Bases in So. Cal.and Az. would issue OFF-LIMITS orders to any/all travel into Mexico by Military Personnel, this would adversely affect their
economy enough to get their attention. Worth a try!! SEMPER-FI

Submitted by Herb-USMC 1948-1952 (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 5:14pm

I agree with BBinOKC. They want to send their people here and we are supposed to take care of them as if they were our children.

If they think the cartels are bad let them get a taste of pissed off marines.

Submitted by Don in Albuquerque (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 5:48pm

If the man was black or muslim Obummer would have had him back in a heart beat.

Submitted by Phil Harris (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 7:05pm

The American legion should request that the "Commander - in - Chief do everything possible to get this young man released immediately or we will demand his impeachment.

Submitted by Herbert Walmach (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 7:08pm

we should stop sending aid to mexico and boycott mexico if this guy was black al sharpton and jesse jackson would be there in a heart beat come on obumer use that phone and pen

Submitted by Rich in Boston (not verified) : Oct 2, 2014 7:28pm

This has gone on for 6 months. I can not think of any other POTUS (well, maybe Carter) that would not have come down on Mexico soon after it happened. There is no way Mexico would turn down a demand from a US president that could throw enough sanctions at them that our serviceman would be back ASAP. Obama and all the extreme liberals want the illegals here since they will be future Democrats. They don't want to put pressure on Mexico when they need the illegals to vote democrat.

Submitted by Ed P (not verified) : Oct 3, 2014 7:20am

First ? Why are military personal currently still being allowed to live in Mexico? YES they live in MEXICO!!!!
Second ? Why would any active duty military personal going to mexico with this current situation. Why would any active duty member have to be restricted from travel. This should be a boycott as soon as it happened. The entire chain of the command is sick.

The commander and chief lacks a back bone so there for no body else does either. The secratary of state. Joint chief of staff and down the line.

Why is it that the Mexican police can "Make a Wrong turn into the U.S. they just get escorted back to mexico" usual turn around 2 hours. to promote understanding.

WHEN dealing with MEXICO everything is one direction. The USA only gets SCREWED. After all it is a poor third world nation that is entitle to everything they can take from anybody.

Submitted by EX Mil in So. CAL (not verified) : Oct 3, 2014 3:27pm

5 for 1. Rev. Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Erick Holder, Barack H Obama. For. Sgt. Tahmooressi.

Submitted by Joe Sheridan (not verified) : Oct 3, 2014 9:19pm

We can do better than that. There is a big pile of them that I'd trade to get the sarge back. Just because Mr. Obama trades 5 for 1 dosen't set the standard.

Submitted by Howard Strobel (not verified) : Oct 7, 2014 1:44pm

I don't believe that he will be repatriated soon or get the treatment he needs soon after talking with a legislative aide of US representative Pat Tiberi (R-Columbus, OH). He said that Mexico was a free trade partner with the US and that he did not want to be too demanding because he was afraid that we would loose our free trade agreement with Mexico

Submitted by Howard York (not verified) : Oct 8, 2014 9:44am

Mexico is our neighbor. We have our laws, they have their laws and there is international law. We have agreements in place to deal with these instances. The procedures that we have agreed to follow need to be followed. We have a State Department for just these instances. We really don't know much of anything about this case, except what the media is reporting. We have heard that broke the law, and crossed illegally into Mexico with weapons. We have also heard that he lied to a Judge in his first Court appearance. We also have heard that suffers from PTSD. All of these pieces of information are clearly important to the case, but assuming that we know enough to make judgments about how and when he should be released, really shows no respect for the laws governing both countries. I'm pretty certain the American Legion Commander, the Executive Committee or the Committee on Legislative Affairs have no business inserting their opinion (which could not be based on anything other than conjecture) into the entire incident. When they do, it becomes purely political.

Submitted by William Randolph (not verified) : Oct 8, 2014 5:21pm