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How tuned in are you to the Olympic Games?

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Not interested......would cross street to watch 'em...

Submitted by Jake Call (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 3:47pm

Would, or wouldn't?

Submitted by Alan Gustafson (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 4:14pm

I enjoy the competition and hearing the human interest stories.

Submitted by Sheri Patton (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 4:23pm

Couldn't care less about the Olympics, nor football! Looking forward to TV channels/networks resuming normal programming.

Submitted by Alan Gustafson (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 4:25pm


Submitted by So.AZVet (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 4:25pm

Nothing against the athletes, but for the most part we don`t know who they are. Those athletes from other countries, say China, we can`t pronounce their names, and never hear about them again. And as far as sportsmanship, all I hear is how the Brazilian fans boo foreigners. And then there`s a lot of events, we hear about every four years and that`s it, not that I was interested in the first place. Did you know Women`s Team Handball is big in Norway, I didn`t. Sorry just my opinion.

Submitted by Bob Haviland (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 5:04pm

Boring! Come on NFL and NASCAR.

Submitted by Partssman (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 5:10pm

I see the medal count othervise I'm ignoring. Can't say anything good about the NFL. Give me Formula One, IndyCar and NASCAR for sports. NCIS and DIY for general viewing.

Submitted by BobCan 81007 (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 6:48pm

Am happy when the US medals but football is my thing and can't wait until it starts each year, both NFL and college.
Go Cardinals, Chargers, and Irish!

Submitted by Marlene Crumley (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 6:56pm

I am with you.Go Saints, Go Jets,and go Syracuse.

Submitted by Colleen Abraham (not verified) : Aug 21, 2016 11:55am

NO More Olympics

NO More UN

Submitted by Jonh Jack (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 7:19pm

I read the articles and comments from folks watching complaining that NBC has too many commercials and the fluff pieces regarding the athlete's are not necessary. Long story short, it doesn't appear as if there's much video of the athletes competing against each other.

Submitted by Kbomb (not verified) : Aug 18, 2016 7:21pm

I do not watch ANY organized sports. They are no longer about sportsmanship, but only about money (and politics).
Just not worth wasting time watching!

Submitted by John Schwartz (not verified) : Aug 19, 2016 8:59am

I am an American living in Holland. The first event I watched was the women's field hockey final where Great Britain beat the #1 team in the world, Holland in a shoot-out. I don't know much about the sport, but there was plenty of drama. Holland was dominant throughout the match, but did not take advantage of their many opportunities. Great Britain came up big in the shootout, and I congratulate them. As for football, I could care less about college or the NFL, give me REAL football anytime, better known as soccer in the States...

Submitted by James P. Scott (not verified) : Aug 20, 2016 8:06am