March 30, 2020

How to conduct business amid COVID-19

By The American Legion

Department adjutants have been asked to contact their department judge advocates so they can review state regulations and advise on how to best proceed with elections, department conventions, etc.

The coronavirus pandemic is disrupting homes, workplaces, businesses and other ways of American life. Adhering to "shelter in place" and other safety guidelines has complicated conducting elections, proposing resolutions and conducting other regular business for many American Legion posts and districts.

All states have different laws and statutes that address these matters. Department adjutants have been asked to contact their department judge advocates so they can review state regulations and advise on how to best proceed with elections, department conventions, etc.

Therefore, the best way for post and district officers to proceed is to work with their department judge advocates on what is required to conduct business in these trying times.

For contact information for your department, please visit

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