A stone statute, circa 1880, with the inscription "GAR In Memory of Our Unknown Dead 1861-1866". At one time, this monument to the “unknowns” was the location of Memorial Day ceremonies in Woodland. In that Memorial Day began in the United States as a remembrance of those who died in the Civil War, this was a fitting site. Further, surrounding the monument are the grave markers of numerous Civil War veterans. On Memorial Days until 1921, there was a Memorial Day parade in Woodland. The parade typically consisted of “First, detachment of [Woodland National Guard unit] Company F; next, Grand Army [of the Republic Civil War] veterans; next ladies of W.R.C. [Women’s Relief Corps, Civil War women’s auxiliary] in carriages; citizens in buggies and surreys bringing up the rear,” would march and ride from near the Woodland Post Office to the Civil War unknowns monument at the Woodland Cemetery. (The Woodland Daily Democrat, May 30, 1900.)
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Yolo County, California chapter of the Grand Army of the Republic
Memorial War Era(s):
- Other
Memorial Condition:
Woodland Cemetery, 800 West Street, Woodland, California 95695