Naugatuck’s World War Monument is located on Meadow Street, northwest of the Soliders’ Monument in the center of the town Green, Connecticut. The monument, which was dedicated in 1921, features a large marble rectangular flagpole base that sits in a small park next to Salem School. The front (or east) face of the monument bears the inscription “Victory is consecrated by a righteous peace” and two allegorical figures that most likely represent military strength and the importance of education. The rear (or west) face of the monument reads “In honor of the men of Naugatuck who gave their lives in the great war for the chaining of savagery and the liberation of a menaced world,” and carries the names of 30 local residents who were killed in the war. The south face reminds us that “Armed and absolute might triumphs through unselfish valor,” while the north face states “In time of peril the state is fortified by discipline learned in peace.” Both of these messages are topped by designs depicting fruit and ribbons draped between two ram heads (the symbolism of which extends beyond our experience). The monument was sculpted by Evelyn Beatrice Longman, whose other works include the “Golden Boy” statue that long served as a corporate symbol for AT&T. She also sculpted the Spanish-American War memorial in Hartford’s Bushnell Park, decorative elements on the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, and a variety of other works.
Installation Date:
08 Feb 1921
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Naugatuck Veterans Council
Memorial War Era(s):
Memorial Condition:
Meadow Street Naugatuck, CT 06770