World War II Hampshire Memorial

World War II Hampshire Memorial
This memorial was built, erected and dedicated by Eagle Scout Kyle Albreth and the Scouts of Boy Scout Troop 22 in Hampshire. The Honor Roll stands between a flag pole and the 155 mm Howitzer (dedicated by VFW Post 8043) in Ralph Seyller Memorial Park, 400 East Jefferson Street, Hampshire, Illinois. This was Kyle's Eagle Scout project. It was completed and dedicated in the fall of 2015. The Honor Roll displays the names of 102 Hampshire men and women who served during World War II.

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Eagle Scout Kyle Alberth and Boy Scout Troop 22

Memorial War Era(s):

  • WWII

Memorial Condition:



400 East Jefferson St. Hampshire, IL 60140 Lat 42.09735 Lon -88.52050