Honor Park

Honor Park
The park was dedicated November 17,2016. There is a center monument dedicated to all branches of the service. The monument shows an American flag with an eagle. It contains the pledge of allegiance and the following inscription: LET THIS MEMORIAL FOREVER STAND IN REMEMBRANCE OF ALL MEN AND WOMEN WHO SERVED OUR COUNTRY SO THAT THIS NATION SHALL HAVE "GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE". Symbols of the five branches of service are on the monument. Brick engraved pavers are laid through the park. The engraved bricks to honor individual veterans are installed directly around the monument. A flag pole is behind the monument and the United States Flag proudly waves above the adjacent buildings atop the pole. A half brick sitting wall entrance is inviting to all. Shrubbery, flowers, native grasses, trees and roses adorn the park. The addition of benches and picnic tables put the finishing touches in the park. Eventually trees will form a "nature wall" at the back of the park. There is a closeness we can all feel at this special place. Whether you're related to someone whose name is placed here in a brick or not, you can share in the kinship of being an American citizen.

Installation Date:

17 Nov 2016

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Tescott Honor Park Committee

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • Panama
  • WWII
  • Other
  • Lebanon/Grenada
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:



105 South Main Street Tescott, Kansas 67484