The city of Glenarden Veterans Memorial encompasses approximately 6,000 square feet of land located at 8628 McLain Avenue at the corner of McLain Avenue and Reed Street in Glenarden, Maryland. The memorial represents all branches of military service. The memorial is a semi-circle brick wall of military insignia's, three bronze plaques, and four-hundred and seventy-nine engraved pavers, of which includes four past WW1 veterans who served honorably. The memorial opened on Veterans Day on November 11, 2014. The memorial is landscaped with beautiful trees and low growing shrubbery throughout including a walkway and back steps leading up to the memorial.
Installation Date:
11 Nov 2014
Organization Responsible for Installation:
City of Glenarden veterans memorial committee
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
8686 McLain Ave. Glenarden, MD 20706