Riverdale Park Veteran's Monument

Riverdale Park Veteran's Monument
The monument contains: - An upright plaque on a brick edifice that reads “The Town of Riverdale Park Offers Eternal Tribute to Members of our Armed Forces Who Defend the Principles Set Forth in the Constitution of the United States of America”. - A flagpole with an American flag and a POW/MIA flag. -Two smaller plaques flanking the larger plaque, one reading “Dedicated to the Patriots of the American Revolution and Those Who Followed their Tradition of Service and Sacrifice to Our Nation” and the other reading “Freedom is not Free It Demands Eternal Vigilance”. - A brick plaza with the shape of a star inlaid. - Two benches.

Installation Date:

11 Nov 1999

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Riverdale Park Veteran's Monument Committee

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Other

Memorial Condition:



Riverdale Park, Maryland