Eight memorials were erected in Adams, Massachusetts in remembrance of Veterans of WWI. All but two are on the route 8 corridor running through Adams. Three squares were dedicated on the same date as the Columbia Memorial Park on November 22, 1922. The squares were for William Douglas who died October 20, 1918 located at the intersection of Hoosac & Columbia Streets, Edward Wlodyka who died July 20, 1918 at the 2nd battle of the Marne located at the intersections of Summer and East Hoosac Street, and Henry Caron who died April 10, 1918 located at the intersection of Center and Commercial Street. All three were killed in action during WWI.
Installation Date:
22 Nov 1922
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Town of Adams
Memorial War Era(s):
Memorial Condition:
Adams, Massachusetts 01220