Franklin Maynard Gifford III was born on April 15, 1924 in Cotuit, Massachusetts. He attended Barnstable High School and during his senior year he was involved in military drill and golf. Franklin was a Private in the 101st Infantry Division of the 26th Yankee Division. The division was near the Metz in northern France when the Germans began their last attack on December 16th, 1944 in the Ardennes Mountains. The Allied counter offensive began on December 22nd with the 26th Division under Major General Willard S. Paul moving north from Arlon to Wiltz in northern Luxembourg. The defense was held by Führer Grenadier Brigade, an elite Army unit that was part of Hitler’s personal bodyguard. On December 27th, 1944 the 101st reached the city of Liefrange, Luxembourg where Private Franklin Maynard Gifford paid the ultimate sacrifice in the Battle of the Bulge. This was also the same day that the siege of Bastogne was relieved by Third Army units. Private Franklin Maynard Gifford’s remains was returned to his hometown of Cotuit, Massachusetts where he was buried at Mosswood Cemetery. A memorial was built in 1947 located at the junction of Coolidge and High Street, near his home.
Organization Responsible for Installation:
The Town of Barnstable
Memorial War Era(s):
Memorial Condition:
Coolidge Street and High Street Cotuit, MA 02635