Shoulder to Shoulder -"Only the fallen stand tall"

Shoulder to Shoulder -"Only the fallen stand tall"
9 ton bronze statue 16 ft. tall X 21 ft. long consisting of 9 life sized figures representing all the wars from WWI-Persian Gulf in front of an eagle with wings outstretched and head thrown back and mouth open either in agony or victory depending on the moment. This statue was to honor all veterans from the Iron Range area of Northeastern Minnesota. It cost approx. 1 million dollars and it took 14 years of fundraising and mostly private donations. In front of the sculpture are black granite markers approx. 4 ft. tall commemorating each of the wars. Also in front of the sculpture embedded in the ground are approximately 1,000 engraved pavers honoring individual veterans. Next to the walkway leading to the statue is one final black granite marker explaining what each figure is and what war they represent in the words of the sculptor, a local Iron Range man named Gareth Andrews.

Installation Date:

25 Aug 2012

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Iron Range Veterans Memorial Committee

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • WWII
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:



Corner of 4th Avenue and 2nd St. North, Virginia, MN 55792