Area Veterans Memorial Park, Wells, MN

Area Veterans Memorial Park, Wells, MN
Phase one of the Memorial Park began with the installation of four black granite walls with space for 1024 names, rank & branch and dates of service to be engraved. The park features a 25' flag pole flying the American flag and a POW/MIA flag, four granite benches and a directory alphabetized to make it easy to locate a specific name. Veterans date from the Civil War to present. Phase two included sidewalks, a living fence of Arborvitae and the installation of flag poles holding the flags from six branches of service. Phase three included a granite 'Killed In Action' monument to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives for our freedom, a sidewalk connecting the Area Veterans Memorial Park and the Wells Depot Museum and a gazebo.

Installation Date:

11 Nov 2012

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Wells Historical Society/Area Veterans Memorial Park

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • Panama
  • WWII
  • Other
  • Lebanon/Grenada
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:




Area Veterans Memorial Park 15 West Franklin Street PO Box 43 Wells, MN 56097