Phase one of the Memorial Park began with the installation of four black granite walls with space for 1024 names, rank & branch and dates of service to be engraved. The park features a 25' flag pole flying the American flag and a POW/MIA flag, four granite benches and a directory alphabetized to make it easy to locate a specific name. Veterans date from the Civil War to present. Phase two included sidewalks, a living fence of Arborvitae and the installation of flag poles holding the flags from six branches of service. Phase three included a granite 'Killed In Action' monument to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives for our freedom, a sidewalk connecting the Area Veterans Memorial Park and the Wells Depot Museum and a gazebo.
Installation Date:
11 Nov 2012
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Wells Historical Society/Area Veterans Memorial Park
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Persian Gulf
- Panama
- Other
- Lebanon/Grenada
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
Area Veterans Memorial Park 15 West Franklin Street PO Box 43 Wells, MN 56097