The Woodbury Veterans Memorial is dedicated to all honorably discharged veterans from anywhere and from any era. The Memorial is constructed of limestone and granite plus an architectural element and flags representing US, Minnesota, and Woodbury government plus the six branches of the US Armed Forces, and the POW/MIA flag. The memorial has over 2,000 granite pavers that may be engraved with the name and information about veterans. As of Dec. 2016, nearly 500 veterans who served in the US military from the American Revolution through the Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts are honored at the memorial.
Installation Date:
11 Nov 2007
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Woodbury Lions, VFW Post 9024, American Legion Post 501, City of Woodbury, and Dick Krumm, Architect
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Persian Gulf
- Panama
- Other
- Lebanon/Grenada
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
8301 Valley Creek Road Woodbury, MN 55125