The official state marker is located on MLK Blvd at Tilgman Street (Warren County) Vicksburg, Mississippi. Beulah Cemeteru was established in 1884 by the Vicksburg Tabernacle No. 19 Independent Order of Brothers and Sisters of Love and Charity, this cemetery has nearly 5.500 graves, most of which date between 1884 and the 1940's. This cemetery is the final resting place of over 100 veterans from Korea, World War I and World War II, and a number of citizens, business owners, educators, and leaders of Vicksburg’s African American community. The Beulah Cemetery was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1992.
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Vicksburg Tabernacle No 19 Independent Order Of Brothers and Sisters
Memorial War Era(s):
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
MLK Blvd at Tilgman Street (Warren County) Mississippi N 32° 21.609 W 090° 51.013, 15S E 702280 N 3582388