Calhoun County Veterans Monument

Calhoun County Veterans Monument
Dedicated to the citizens of Calhoun County who served our country in peacetime and war with honor Erected 1995 by Calhoun City Rotary Club, American Legion Post 50 and Auxiliary, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 26 and Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 05571.

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Calhoun City Rotary Club, American Legion Post 50 and Auxiliary, Disabled American Veterans Chapter 26 and Auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 05571.

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Other

Memorial Condition:



At the intersection of Public Square and Main Street Location 33° 51.294? N, 89° 18.677? W. Marker is in Calhoun City, Mississippi, in Calhoun County. Marker is at the intersection of Public Square and Main Street, on the left when traveling east on Public Square. Located on the south side of the Town Square. Marker is at or near this postal address: 119 Public Square, Calhoun City, Calhoun County, Mississippi.