The monument dedicated to veterans lost in World War I and World War II. This monument is located on the edges of a park dedicated to military personnel. It beautifully names those who lost their lives in war. This park is located in Biloxi (Harrison County) Mississippi. It is a multi-war Memorial. The memorial was in honor of Lt. William Lee Guice Jr., US Navy. Was erected by Post 2434 Veterans of Foreign Wars and sponsored by Lt Guice parents. The monument resides right off the Gulf of Mexico. It survived hurricane Katrina’s wrath with minor damages. Highway 90 runs in front of the monument. There are no marker text or dedication information available.
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Post 2434 Veteran of Foreign Wars, Biloxi (Harrison County, MS and sponsored by Guice Parents.
Memorial War Era(s):
Memorial Condition:
Harrison County Mississippi, Highway 90, Biloxi, Mississippi