World War I and World War II Memorial, White Sulphur Springs, Montana

World War I and World War II Memorial, White Sulphur Springs, Montana
Bronze plaque located on the lawn of Meagher County Courthouse in the south east corner at 15 West Main Street. The plaque is approximately 4 foot square. The plaque was originally installed at the Meagher County Post 25 Clubhouse which no longer exists, and then moved to the current location. This plaque was originally built in 1946 and then refurbished in 2015. The plaque was erected by the people of Meagher County in honor of those vallant men and women who offered themselves in service to their country.

Installation Date:

01 Sep 1946

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Meagher Post American Legion # 25

Memorial War Era(s):

  • WWII
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:



Meagher County Courthouse 15 West Main Street White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645