Duplin County Veterans Memorial, Kenansville

Duplin County Veterans Memorial, Kenansville
The Duplin County Veterans Memorial is located on the property of the Duplin County Courthouse, directly in front of the the courthouse steps. This monument features a bronze eagle on top of a hexagonal obelisk and is approximately 7-9 feet tall. The bottom of the obelisk is formed by a six sided bronze base on which the United States seal and the five service seals are cast. The base of the monument is formed by three large, square blocks of granite of decreasing size stacked on top of one another. Front, Base: DEDICATED IN HONOR / AND RECOGNITION OF ALL / DUPLIN COUNTY VETERANS / WHO HAVE SERVED / IN THE MANY / STRUGGLES FOR FREEDOM Rear, Base: ERECTED BY / THE CITIZENS OF DUPLIN COUNTY / MAY 30, 1988

Installation Date:

30 May 1988

Organization Responsible for Installation:

Citizens of Duplin County

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • Panama
  • WWII
  • Lebanon/Grenada
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:





Located off of NC-11 at NC-27 in front of the Duplin County Courthouse on Court Street in Kenansville, NC.