The Graham County Veterans Memorial is comprised of three rectangular granite tablestones. The largest of the three stands in the courtyard directly in front of the entrance to the Graham County Government Building and lists all those killed in action beginning with World War One. The tablestone rests on a double base. On the upper base is a list of those who died of other causes while on active military duty and the lower base holds a prayer. Two slightly smaller tablestones, each on a single base, stand to either side of the building entrance. The one to the left commemorates all who have served in the military. Forming an arch along its top are incised coats of arms for the five branches of the military. From left to right are Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. Under the arch is an unfurled American flag. The stone to the right is dedicated to the ancestors of any Graham County resident who served in Revolution, War of 1812, Mexican War, Civil War and Spanish American War.
Installation Date:
11 Nov 2002
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Other
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
The memorial complex is located in front of the Graham County Government building, at 12 N. Main Street, Robbinsville, NC.