Greenfield Lake Veterans Monument, Wilmington

Greenfield Lake Veterans Monument, Wilmington
This marker honors the courageous service of all military personnel from Wilmington and New Hanover County who fought in U.S. military conflicts. It is composed of a low rectangular block of granite with a bronze plaque affixed to the angled front face. The marker itself sits atop a thin square granite base. The sides and base are roughly chiseled, with a smooth front holding the plaque. IN MEMORIUM / IN DESERVED AND LOVING TRIBUTE TO THE VALOR OF / THOSE FROM WILMINGTON AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY / WHO FOUGHT FOR JUSTICE AND RIGHT IN ALL AMERICAN WARS. / THIS EMBLEM WILL EVER PERPETUATE THEIR HONORED / DEEDS. IT EXEMPLIFIES THE LIMITLESS GRATITUDE / AND CONTINUING OBLIGATION OF AN UNDERSTANDING / AND APPRECIATIVE CITIZENSHIP. THEY WILL ALWAYS / HOLD IN GRATEFUL RECOLLECTION THE SPLENDID / SPIRIT OF THOSE WHO IN DEVOTION AND LOYALTY / GLADLY ANSWERED THE CALL OF THEIR COUNTRY.

Installation Date:

29 Jul 1950

Organization Responsible for Installation:

The City of Wilmington and the Wilmington Sorosis Club

Memorial War Era(s):

  • Vietnam
  • Persian Gulf
  • Panama
  • WWII
  • Other
  • Lebanon/Grenada
  • Korea
  • WWI

Memorial Condition:




The marker is located in Greenfield Park, off East Lakeshore Drive on the north side of the lake in Wilmington, NC.