This marker honors the courageous service of all military personnel from Wilmington and New Hanover County who fought in U.S. military conflicts. It is composed of a low rectangular block of granite with a bronze plaque affixed to the angled front face. The marker itself sits atop a thin square granite base. The sides and base are roughly chiseled, with a smooth front holding the plaque. IN MEMORIUM / IN DESERVED AND LOVING TRIBUTE TO THE VALOR OF / THOSE FROM WILMINGTON AND NEW HANOVER COUNTY / WHO FOUGHT FOR JUSTICE AND RIGHT IN ALL AMERICAN WARS. / THIS EMBLEM WILL EVER PERPETUATE THEIR HONORED / DEEDS. IT EXEMPLIFIES THE LIMITLESS GRATITUDE / AND CONTINUING OBLIGATION OF AN UNDERSTANDING / AND APPRECIATIVE CITIZENSHIP. THEY WILL ALWAYS / HOLD IN GRATEFUL RECOLLECTION THE SPLENDID / SPIRIT OF THOSE WHO IN DEVOTION AND LOYALTY / GLADLY ANSWERED THE CALL OF THEIR COUNTRY.
Installation Date:
29 Jul 1950
Organization Responsible for Installation:
The City of Wilmington and the Wilmington Sorosis Club
Memorial War Era(s):
- Vietnam
- Persian Gulf
- Panama
- Other
- Lebanon/Grenada
- Korea
Memorial Condition:
The marker is located in Greenfield Park, off East Lakeshore Drive on the north side of the lake in Wilmington, NC.