This statue is of a World War One soldier, dressed in a military waist-length jacket, britches, boots, and a circular helmet. He is standing with his proper right arm raised in the air holding a grenade as if to hurl it and his proper left arm is holding a rifle by his side. The figure is placed atop an inscribed two-tiered base. The statue is marble and the base is granite. Although the figure is of a Word War One soldier the monument is dedicated to those who served in WWI, Spanish War and Civil War, and to women who “did their part in all wars.” Front: IN MEMORY OF / MONTGOMERY COUNTY / SONS WHO SERVED / IN THE WORLD WAR Left side: IN MEMORY OF / MONTGOMERY COUNTY /SONS WHO SERVED /IN THE SPANISH AMERICAN WAR Right side: IN MEMORY OF / MONTGOMERY COUNTY / WOMEN / WHO DID THEIR PART / IN ALL WARS Back: IN MEMORY OF / MONTGOMERY COUNTY / SONS WHO SERVED / IN THE / CONFEDERATE STATES / ARMY
Installation Date:
30 Nov 1925
Organization Responsible for Installation:
Montgomery County Veterans
Memorial War Era(s):
- Other
Memorial Condition:
The statue is located at the corner of E. Main and S. Pearl Streets. It stands in front of the courthouse in Troy, NC.